Discover how a Natropathic Doc raised his rates and Income by 50% with Zero loss of high value clientele,
When I first starting working with this amazing #intuitivehealer he was out of synch with what could be offered in his business model and had some questions about future vision in today’s chaotic medical marketplace.
A laser sharp medical intuitive, a Naturopathic Doctor and also a skilled acupuncturist (I’m talking secret agent with the needles) his pricing was off-value with the level of transformation he was offering in the sessions. (I am also a client)
He has a very rare energetic profile that needs to approach life and relationships and business very specifically to thrive. I showed him what my intuition was telling me about him and his business as well as his human design and gene keys profiles that were corroborating what my business intuition was receiving. He listened and implemented immediately, even while the health industry was receiving chaotic daily changes in how to approach clients and business.
Since our meeting Dr. Mark has raised his rates, and income, by 50+ percent with zero loss of clientele (Hooray!!) and is moving into a more holistic treatment approach with Naturopathic, Accupuncture AND his own intuitive energy sessions.
Bravo Dr. Mark, you’re a champ!
Hello professionals… are you a bricks and mortar business model and looking to move into something much more lucrative by making simple changes? Let’s talk, reach out.